Monday, May 2, 2011

One Month Anniversary

Yes, we gave her cake AGAIN!

Puffs are her true love.  I am certain puff will be her first word.  
These are not available in China and we would've paid
a hundred American for a can.

Ariana loves listening to and making music.  This was taken
on her first morning in the U.S.

Ariana and her cousin rocked their matching
Easter outfits.  They weren't really feeling the
photo shoot though.

Arriving home for the first time April 21st.  She wasn't a fan of the
carsseat and screamed her disapproval for about 3 hours.

First stroller walk was on Friday, April 29th.
I'm glad I got this "Flip-it" stroller so she can face us.


  1. Three hours is quite a statement :-) Otherwise, it looks like things are going well, and I don't blame you for falling in love with her.


  2. She's so precious!

    Okay..question about the puffs. How many to bring? I think I'm gonna forget about the Cheerios and just take these instead. Thanks!

  3. I'm glad things are going well, and I am excited to meet Ariana! I hear she is adorable.
